EMPLOYEES at the local business Octavian Wine Services raise over £3000 for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance.
It’s a family owned business with a local presence of over 30 years with sites at Corsham and Colerne.
Krissy Sparrow, HR manager for Octavian, said: “Every year the team of 130 colleagues commit to a day of fundraising for a worthy cause. This year they outdid themselves, raising an impressive £3,043.64 for their chosen charity Wiltshire Air Ambulance. As a local employer, Octavian are especially excited to be supporting such a vital service for the community.
Their fundraising included bacon butties, a food theme raffle and competitions. The main event was the managers’ challenge with the day raising £1,521.82 which Octavian doubled.
“We were kindly loaned two bikes from Snap Fitness Gym, Chippenham to complete a 90 mile static bike challenge. The team placed bids on the manager they wanted to see endure a gruelling 10 mile stint. Even the managing director didn’t escape the Lycra, sweat and tears.”
“We could not be prouder of the hard working, big hearted and dedicated colleagues who pulled everything together to give back to such a vital cause within the local community.”
We are pleased to have been able to support this fantastic charity especially in their 30th year of operation, and to make our contribution to a service that relies upon donations to continue saving lives. More information on Wiltshire Air Ambulance and the fantastic work they do can be found at www.wiltshireairambulance.co.uk