A great way to keep tabs on the latest wines is via a website created by London International Vintners Exchange, also known as Liv-ex, who specialise in internet and telephone based information on global fine wines. The site is trusted by vintners across the world and is kept up to date to such an extent that it is almost real time. It also provides trading and settlement platforms that are crucial to buying and valuing wine online.
The site contains more than 270 merchants and other wine traders and is credited with adding some much-needed transparency to the wine investment sector. The liquidity it provides due to the fact nearly all wine merchants, traders and brokers use the platform also means that deals can settled with great ease, and gives many in the sector a great piece of mind when completing financially substantial wine deals.
As a comprehensive wine searcher, marketplace and trading platform, liv-ex really is the Swiss Army Knife for anyone in the wine investment sector.